Sunday, November 23, 2008

unconditional love

We have the best lab in the world. Gracie loves to shut him in her room and "torture" him with dress up parties, pretend nap times complete with a pillow and blanket, and of course lots and lots of baby doll play.

Me: "Gracie, go let Miao out of our room if you're done playing in there."
Gracie: "but he's okay"
Me: "I don't care, it's not nice to leave him in there. Please go let him out."
Gracie: "fine"

10 minutes later on the kitchen floor.....

She loves to pick up his lips and look in his mouth while he's sleeping. Sometimes she puts Cheerios under his gums for a tasty surprise when he wakes up :). Don't try this on ANY other dog...


Anonymous said...

What an awesome companion for your daughter. Love that photo of them together :)

Erin said...

What a great picture, you can feel how much she loves her puppy, and how docile he is that he lets her "torture" him with dress up and tea parties.