I'm a bit premature to post what my New Years Resolution is going to be, but what the heck...
Overtime I've gotten away from taking simple snapshots, forgetting the technical and just shooting. Looking back in Gracie's scrapbook one of my favorite images was taken the day after she was born. I just wanted the moment captured and did exactly that.
taken on our 2005 Sony cybershot and scanned in which probably explains the strange lines:
this is another favorite taken after a morning of minnow fishing:

Last night I snapped this moment between Gracie and Miao. It felt good to just take a picture and throw a little bit of my perfectionism out the window. Taken on my Nikon D700.

For 2009 I want to refocus on what made me fall in love in photography in the first place: capturing a moment & creating a memory. I'll always strive to become better and better as a photographer and I'm excited to see what 2009 has in store...