there's been a game of tag going on over at Facebook. I was tagged by a friend and asked to fill in 25 random things about myself. I thought I'd post it here as well...
Here goes:
1.I’m a patient and simple person
2.I love animals especially dogs. Someday I want to own a Great Dane. I’m happy with our lab for the next 8+ years though!
3.I graduated from Pitt with a BA in Communications which is weird because I’m not good at public speaking and I always get my mords wixed up. Just ask my husband who keeps a mental log of all my goofs.
4.I was a twin. My twin didn’t fully develop and the doctors told my mom I wasn’t going to make it either. Here I am world. My grandmother thought I was going to be a boy and I think my name was going to be Chad.
5.My imaginary friend growing up was “boy.” He went *everywhere* with me but I still got in trouble for everything he did.
6.I can’t write in cursive. My signature is never the same because I suck so bad at it.
7.My husband proposed to me at the bar where we met, but it had burnt down and we didn’t know. I pulled up, saw the burnt building, and put the car in reverse. He pulled out a ring so I stopped!
8.I love to be outdoors and want to get into hiking this year.
9.I showed a cow in the county fair when I was younger. I used to lead her around the farm on a rope halter, training her. I wasn’t very good at it and got my foot stepped on.
10.My fascination with photography I think began when I was around 12. My stepgrandmother had a subscription to National Geographic and I would flip through them just to look at the pictures. In highschool I was fascinated by the darkroom but never got a chance to take a photography class; I was on the yearbook and magazine staff instead. It wasn’t until I got married that I got my first camera and realized what I had been missing.
11.I can’t drive a stick. Never learned how.
12.I have allergic reactions to alcohol, bananas, and caffeinated coffee.
13.I played tennis throughout highschool and still love to play. I used to get up at 4am to play before school. I had dreams of becoming a tennis instructor.
14.I own a $1000 vacuum cleaner
15.I’m not a superstitious person, but I find horoscopes entertaining.
16.The ocean scares me. I love the beach but you will never find me more than ankle deep in the ocean. Needless to say a cruise is not a dream vacation of mine.
17.If I was stranded on an island I would want 3 things: my daughter, my husband, and Bear Grylls.
18.I talk to myself a lot. Especially if I’m doing math or cooking.
19.Plants don’t like me. I’ve killed enough for everyone.
20.I’ve never broken or sprained anything.
21.I hate scary movies.
22.Being a mom has made me a better person and given me a new perspective on life.
23.I feel naked if my toenails aren’t painted.
24.I’m not a spender. I enjoy nice things but can usually talk myself out of them (unless it's photography related!). My husband keeps me balanced.
25.I have dreams of living on a big piece of property with some sheep (and perhaps a Great Dane).
And I can't post without a picture. Meet Uniqua (named after Backyardigans) our dwarf hamster, added to the family on Monday!