Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sweet, Precious Newborn

What are the chances I would have a maternity yesterday and newborn today (not related)! I'm loving it. It's a wonderful change of pace from photographing moving, jumping, squirming children recently. hahaha. I love them all, but it was a pleasure to have a newborn thrown into the mix this month.

Sweet baby T was such a wonderful and calm baby. I loved documenting all her little features. From her tiny scaly fingers to curly little legs, newborns at this age change so fast! I am so pleased we were able to capture this time for her parents.

Thank you F family for opening your home to us. We'll be back for coffee and wiffle ball when your grass comes in ;)!

love her little scaly hands::

and her precious wrinkles::

Just when I was packing up my camera she pulled her hand up to her face so I quickly turned everything back on and snapped this shot. I love it!

A big thanks to David for assisting me today! Its nice to have an extra set of hands when you need them.

1 comment:

Kayleen Taulanga said...

Wonderful job capturing this cute little new one!